Wednesday, September 19, 2012

News and Society Blog-Economics: What Does a Farm Bill Have To ...

Indeed, I am quite fearful of socialism because I know what it does to great economies, and how it destroys the confidence in free-market capitalism. I am equally disturbed by the socialists, whether academic or political, who hijacked the flows of capitalism to funnel money to their crony capitalist friends. Further, generally speaking I am against subsidies in most all industries. I believe free-market capitalism can solve the problems a lot faster than trying to do economic engineering or forced capitalism on an intellectual basis.

I do not derive my perceptions based on anything that Adam Smith, Ayn Rand, or Milton Friedman has said in the past, rather I base my intellectual economic prowess on my own observations and experience in the free-market as an entrepreneur, and founder of a franchising company. If there is a problem, and people feel that the problem is serious enough to pay for, then an entrepreneur will come along because he has the incentive to solve that problem and he knows he can make money at it. If the problem isn't serious enough, then no one will spend the money for it, then the problem indeed isn't that real. You see my point?

No, I'm not saying this happens in all cases, but generally speaking free-market can solve problems 10 times faster than any politician with any crazy scheme they can dream up to help their political careers by helping their friends in high places whether they be in corporations or individuals with various business interests who need the laws shifted in their favor to make excessive profits. Now then, not long ago I was reading an article the Wall Street Journal on August 11, 2012 Titled; "Lawmakers Are Chided over Delay in Passing Farm Bill," by Naftali Ben David and Mark Peters.

The article made mention of the fact that many Republicans were not too keen on passing the farm bill because the money does not actually go to farmers directly, rather it goes to food stamps. In fact 80% of the farm bill is for food stamps. A society gets more of what rewards, and if we pay people in free food, then they don't have to work for it, therefore we are making them lazy, and pretty much pay them not to work. Therefore we shouldn't be surprised if more people are unemployed and not serious about looking for a job and unemployment figures run high.

I really worry in our economy when labor unions get together with corporate lobbyists to support an industry which will provide labor and profits to certain businesses in certain industries while putting barriers up to their competitors or foreign companies who can make and produce things more proficiently and ship them here than we can make them. This makes economies weak and industries weak, and we are not doing ourselves any favors in the long run.

It is amazing that some lawmakers are being trashed because they don't want more money for food stamps, and other lawmakers on the other side or being trashed because they don't want to give corporate welfare to big corporate farms. Meanwhile, it's upsetting that many of the politicians on either side of the fence have respective lobbying groups working in the food processing industry or consumer food products who are willing to take tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions for voting yes on the farm bill which is fatally flawed from a free-market economic standpoint.

At this point in my life, it's not important for me to win friends or influence people, I'm just telling you straight how it is, and what's wrong with our politic. The system is broken, and we are reneging on our foundational promise to free-market capitalism and in doing so we are destroying our productivity, our economy, our currency, and the future of current and next-generation retirees. I'm not very happy about this, and I hope you will please think on it and consider it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Politics and Economics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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