Unlike what most people might think, browsing a webpage is not a passive activity at all. In the time spent reading interesting news or browsing an online store, there are many things that happen.
Like What?
The computer and the host web server inter-communicate and transfer important data from one to another. In this way, the data goes in a circuit of various computers and servers and may be really easy to tackle and intercept. In order to protect clients from having their private information stolen, servers have taken security measures to encrypt the data safely.
This system is being used more and more frequently and websites are encouraged to adopt a variety of security measures. With all the threats and the stakes in the game, some sites tend to ignore such useful protection either from lack of knowledge or from lack of funds.
How Does Phishing Come In?
Phishing has remained the top threat in the internet world. This is a practice which uses deception in order to steal important information. The basic thing is that the fraud makes you think that the business sends a legitimate request by copying the entire content and look of the actual site. In this way the?naive?client is persuaded or threatened with something so that he offers private information.
The worst cases of phishing involve copying the website of a shopping venue or even a bank. In this way the scammer gets full access to the bank account details of the user.
Besides phishing, identity theft is another very serious online crime. It is similar to phishing, but this time the scammers will sell the information to another party or even use it to access the open accounts. In this way, the customer may end up with an empty account from a variety of expensive shopping. This often happens before anyone even realizes the problem.
It is important to stay safe online and, in the end, each user has the obligation to take the necessary measures to protect his privacy. While there is no sure method to state which website is safe or not, it is good to get some safety habits while browsing that will help protect the data.
Important Tips for Secure Browsing
1) Paying for Online Shopping
It is important to shop or bank with a lot of care. All transactions on the internet need to be done through secure web servers for a proper handling of the transfer of data. Usually the websites with a URL starting with https, or which have a padlock in the status bar, are protected by the SSL security protocols. It is also recommended for ecommerce and banking sites to use extra encryption from a third party.
This will guarantee more safety and can be recognized by the presence of a small mark as a logo on the website. This trust mark may be accessed by clicking on it, and it should provide further information about the company which ensures the encryption. It is good to check for the validity of the company and to research any important details.
2) Refrain from Pop-Up Clicks
However tempting the spam message, ad or pop-up looks, it is important never to click on them at all. Even a simple click could be the beginning of installing a virus or a Trojan on the computer. Also entering a malware infected site is really dangerous as much information may be transmitted from the user to the scammers. The best thing to do is simply ignore them and mind your own business.
3) Check Before Downloading Free Software
The lure of free software is quite tempting for anyone. But most of these things might be just baited for something uglier. Usually the pretend software offered hides under the names of free anti-virus or malware scanner. In many cases these so- called free software programs are just ways for spyware and viruses to come in.
4) Install Internet Security
It is important to take care of the safety of your computer with the help of a trustworthy internet security pack. The right software needs to be selected carefully and needs to have at least an antivirus and a firewall.
The first one will detect and stop in good time any malware which tries to get into the system. The latter will monitor all traffic to and from the PC. In this way all hackers and spyware will be kept at a distance and any suspicious traffic will be rejected.
It is ideal to have safe browsing because, in this way, all the links are verified and the bad ones are blocked. Also it is recommended to have the programs updated from the vendors as often as possible. Nevertheless, the parental control offered by some security suites will make children safe so as not to stumble across what might be dangerous content.
Follow these tips and your web browsing will become more secure.
Adam Orchard is a new Londoner (ex Cornishman), who has avid interests in computing, programming, online gaming and all things techy. He writes on behalf of Mimecast who are market leaders in the fields of email security, archiving and management.
Chitraparna Sinha is the founder of SocialVani where she is building a useful resource for small business entrepreneurs and assisting clients in start-up blogging and building eCommerce ventures.
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